About Me

Hello, and welcome to my book-verse! I’m Ritika Das, the face behind Readably Yours. On this blog, I explore a web of worlds that connect the power of books, the aroma of coffee, and the art of balancing work and lifestyle. My goal through this blog is to document my passion and create a culture that acknowledges why readers are probably the coolest people you’re going to come across in your life. I’m thrilled you stopped by to learn a little more about the person behind the keyboard.

My Story

Ever since I can remember, I’ve been digging into the pages of books with an undying curiosity for stories. From Sumi at the age of four to Message In A Bottle at the age of 12 and falling into the world of non-fiction in my 20s, books have been my constant companions. I developed a penchant for coffee when I turned 14 and since then I’ve been a coffee-buff who went ahead and experimented with flavours and recipes. As a coffee enthusiast, I find the perfect brew is the ideal companion to every reading adventure. And in the fast-paced world we live in, I’ve also developed a passion for exploring how to make work not just a necessity but a fulfilling part of our lives. Initially, I struggled with navigating my career and as an academically-skilled child, I ended up joining mediocrity faster than I had imagined. Today, I write on career and work-lifestyle to encourage people on a journey of self-awareness and to help them build a better professional growth culture for themselves.

Something about the blog as well! This project began in 2017 when I initially began with book reviews, listicles and mental health. Previously, I wrote under the alias The-RD-Journal (March 2019) and then I started writing for Productively Yours (November 2021). Post that, the blog rebranded to become Readably Yours, which has been my bookstagram (and digital diary) label and thus, started my enthusiastic trail of literary interests and caffeine ventures.

What You’ll Find Here:

On Readably Yours, you’ll discover a documentation of my insights and recommendations. From in-depth book reviews and coffee explorations to work-life balance tips and productivity hacks, I aim to share content that can enrich your daily life.

To be more specific, I’m trying to bring together reading elements and opinion posts; so you can expect to see themed-lists, places around the city, personal stories over a cup of coffee and opinions on subjects that I want to help others with.

Why I Do What I Do:

For me, blogging is more than just sharing my interests; it’s about building a community. I feel like I would have appreciated the help of like-minded individuals, who shared my passions, a little earlier in life. And so, I’m trying to give that kind of support to others when I’m still younger and exploring where different paths take me. I believe that a good book, a well-brewed cup of coffee, and a balanced approach to work can transform our lives and help us find meaning in the everyday. And when you have a friend in addition to all three, I’m hoping that you’ll find the support you need to be inspired – to not just live through life but to also actually live it!

That’s my goal – to be here for you.

Books, Creations & Latest Projects:

My writing is a reflection of my unique perspective on well-being and purposeful living. With my latest project and upcoming book, “Echoes of Existence,” I talk more about the beauty of life’s simple pleasures – the moments we often overlook in our hectic lives. Through poetry, I strive to uncover the joy and meaning found in the everyday, reminding us all to cherish the little things that make life truly worthwhile.

Get in Touch:

I love connecting with fellow enthusiasts. If you have questions, suggestions, or just want to chat about books, coffee, or work-lifestyle, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can find me on Instagram @Readablyours, or you can send me an email at ritikadas@readablyours.com.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m excited to have you here, and I can’t wait to have you on board!