Skylar: The movie is a bit of a downer, so…
Tessa: It’s a love story
S: I mean, not all love stories are downers
T: The good ones are — Romeo and Juliet, Anna Karenina, The English Patient
S: Mm—hmm
T: I think it’s the ending of a relationship, that’s what makes a love story so memorable
S: What about Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre? Those both have happy endings
T: That’s only because the writer chose to end their love stories prematurely
S: Wow, that is a really interesting way of not admitting that you’re wrong
You can watch this movie on Netflix– it’s been rated a 5.9 on IMDB, but it’s worth a watch. The movie revolves around Tessa and Skylar who experience a captivating connection in their relationship right before they meet with an accident. It portrays the post-accident life of Tessa who is the survivor and her exploration of a space called “in-between” where she believes Skylar is stuck after his death and from where he is trying to reach her in the current dimension.
Don’t forget the popcorn 🙂