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Book Quotes,  Books

Book Quotes | 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty

Welcome to the book-verse! Today, I’m re-diving into the book of “8 Rules of Love” written by the incredible Jay Shetty. As a book enthusiast with a penchant for blending insights with everyday lives, I can’t wait to share the lessons that I’ve unearthed through this book.

“8 Rules of Love” isn’t just a guide on what to do; it’s a guide that helps you navigate the maze of romance, self-discovery, and personal growth. Drawing upon ancient wisdom, Jay Shetty offers us a masterclass in not just loving another but also ourselves and the world around us, creating a symphony of love and purpose.

So, grab your favorite reading nook, a cozy blanket, and let’s start this journey together as we uncover the most stirring and inspirational quotes from this literary masterpiece.


It’s been said that the greatest pursuit of human life is to love and to be loved. We believe in love – it’s in our nature to be drawn to love stories, to long for one of our own, and to hope that true love is possible.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


When we pay attention to how we feel and what choices we are making, we learn what we prioritize in life – our values. Those values steer how we make decisions. Being present and seeing your values gives you a sense of who you are, and you get to decide if that’s the person you want to be.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


We love others in response to the way we’ve been loved by others.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


If there is a gap in how our parents raised us, we look to others to fill it. And if there is a gift in how our parents raised us, we look to others to give us the same.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


Any potential partner will come with a past, challenges, and possibly trauma, just as you do. You simply won’t find someone who ticks every box on your checklist.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


But creating something together is better than wanting the same thing. How you handle your differences is more important than finding your similarities.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


Sometimes, we assume trust is binary: either we trust someone, or we don’t. But trust increases gradually through actions, thoughts and words. We shouldn’t trust someone instantly just because they’re kind to us. We give them our trust little by little, day after day, we have shared more of ourselves and seen what they do with our honesty.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


We think starting means doing, but it actually begins with learning. Don’t skip or avoid the learning phase. The reason we say knowledge is power is that it can help you overcome any fear of the unexpected.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


Dreams don’t have to be big; they just have to be yours.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


Conflict doesn’t have to be distressing. It doesn’t have to leave us with regret. How many times have we had to come back and say, “I didn’t mean it”? When we feel mean, we say things we don’t mean. We make permanent declarations based on a temporary emotion.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


Words can’t be unsaid; actions can’t be undone. Share how you feel, not what you think of the other person.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love


You can seek love your whole life and never find it, or you can give love your whole life and experience joy. Experience it, practice it, and create it instead of waiting for it to find you.

– Jay Shetty, 8 Rules Of Love

As we wrap up this post on book quotes from this awe-inspiring book “8 Rules of Love”, I hope you’ve found some valuable insights to enrich your very own journey. Books have an uncanny ability to transform our thinking, improve our skills, and inspire us to achieve our goals. So, why not make reading a cherished part of your daily routine?

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Thank you for being a part of this book-loving community, and here’s to many more thought-provoking reads and a lifestyle that truly works for you. Until next time, happy reading and stay inspired!

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