Imagine being surrounded by an endless buffet of information but leaving the table still feeling hungry for real knowledge. That’s the Gutenberg Paradox in a nutshell—a contradiction where the abundance of information available today leaves us more overwhelmed than enlightened. The Historical Context on Gutenberg’s Revolution Back in the 15th century, Johannes Gutenberg turned the world on its head with his printing press, making knowledge accessible like never before. Books went from being a rare luxury for the elite to something even commoners could enjoy. This paved the way for the Renaissance and Enlightenment movements, and a whole host of intellectual revolutions that changed human history. People read, people learned,…
How To Really Connect With Your Books :)
Do you ever find yourself lost while rummaging through the pages of a book? Hello and welcome back to Readably Yours! Of late, this really simple question has been bothering me a lot. The reason being that I have witnessed many books throughout my reading journey where I desperately tried to delve deeper but only ended up losing more of my mind. Trust me when I say there’s no worse feeling for a reader (other than dog-eared bookmarks, of course). You know, when I first grab hold of a book, I hold a certain expectation from myself, I assume that I’m going to be so vested in it that I…