• person holding orange pen
    Culture,  Study Life

    Verse by Verse: How to Write Daily Inspirational Poetry

    Writing a poem daily holds remarkable potential. In a world that often drowns in noise and distraction, the act of writing a poem each day becomes an escape for our hearts and minds. It helps us nurtures our creativity, illuminates our deepest emotions, and connects us to the beauty of the human experience. Writing a poem every day is not just a mere exercise of self-expression; it also becomes an act of self-care and compassion. But why is this daily practice of poetry so significant? It is because through each poem, we stretch the boundaries of our imagination, and dare ourselves to challenge our perceptions. Writing a poem every day…

  • blurry photo of a woman
    Lifestyle,  Productivity and Organisation,  Reading Hacks and Merchandise,  Study Life

    Multitasking in the World of Books, Coffee, and Productivity

    Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in everything you love? You’re not alone! Between work, personal commitments, and that ever-growing to-do list, carving out time for a good book can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you that reading could actually boost your productivity, not hinder it? Sounds too good to be true? Buckle up, because we’re about to explore how to savor our love of reading while crushing your goals with really tiny activities to multi-task between work and reading. Come on, I get it. I come from a busy background myself, and juggling passions can often…

  • cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone
    Culture,  Lifestyle,  Personal Notes and Opinions,  Study Life

    Eight Years Of A Disoriented Career Life – Relatable?

    Last week, at therapy, we were discussing why I end up taking multiple final decisions with respect to my career choices every two years. This has started to seem like a futile activity now because I keep circling back to the same field that I’m currently in. The goal of the session was to understand why I constantly choose this field in spite of being internally aware that this is not the best path ahead for me in terms of interest as well as ability to perform beyond expectations. What started as a casual career discussion turned out to be a haunting exploration of my personal insecurities. I’ve partly documented…