Book reviews

Book Rating Policy

Reviewing books is an individual interaction and is usually different for everyone. Here is my personal reviewing framework that I refer to while conducting the book reviews. Ideally, this should help you understand my preferences and rating system better. Additionally, I would also like to help you comprehend that these reviews are not drafted on a discretionary basis. I have a consistent and specific process of reviewing; however, my views pertaining to each book are subjective to my personal taste. What I totally admire about a book might not suit your interests, and vice versa. And I would love to know your experience with the book, no matter how different it might be from mine. Check out all of the book reviews under the category Books, Reviews & Lists today!

Here’s what the rating means:

5 Stars

Purchase this on your way back home. This is a must-read!

I was absolutely engaged with this book from start to end. Everything about this book connected with me. I felt inspired as I moved further into the reading journey. I wouldn’t think twice if you asked me, “Should I read this book?” — the answer would be a hard YES! Moreover, I don’t spread 5-star reviews like confetti. These are pretty rare on my list and I usually reserve them for books that were completely worth it.

4 Stars

I loved the book, and I would definitely suggest you to read it.

Most of the books I choose are already on my TBR list, so I’m usually picking out of my own preferences. This is why you’ll find a lot of my reviews fall under this category. I am not extremely liberal with a 4-star rating, however I have recently found a lot of the books in my list to be highly inspiring. Given this rating, you won’t have to worry about how amazing the book’s content is going to be. You’ll mostly love the book, however I am not entirely confident of how much it’ll adhere to your preferences. This is a DEFINITE suggestion from my end, but I won’t push too much on its behalf.

3 Stars

I liked the book just enough to recommend it.

A 3-star rating from me means that I found this to be a normally engaging, casual read. I’ll probably not remember much about this book later on, but it was a read-in-the-moment thing for me. The experience was fun, however not consistently engrossing. I wouldn’t push on the recommendation. Nevertheless, if you were looking to experiment, I would probably bring it up in one of my mentions. To simplify, I liked it just the right amount to suggest it to you.

2 Stars

I did not like the book enough to recommend it.

I pushed myself through this book. This could either be a book with a very common synopsis, brimming with generalizations or the content just set me off. I was not really amused with the book, it was more of a tolerable read than something I really enjoyed. I would not recommend this book, however you can take a hit-and-miss chance on your personal preferences with this one.

1 Star

Please never ask me to read this again. Definitely not going to recommend it.

I rarely give a one-star rating to any book. As a reader, I never want to come across a book that I would ever despise. Hence, if I can’t practically explain our disdain for a book, it has really touched my nerves. There’s a 90% chance I didn’t even read this book to the end. I definitely don’t recommend this book. It’s a hard NO from me. Read at your own risk.

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