• person holding smartphone taking picture of bridge during daytime
    Book Lists,  Books

    Books To Read If You Love Insta-Poetry ✨

    Hey there and welcome back to Readably Yours! Today, we’re talking about Insta-poetry and my absolute obsession with it. Insta-poetry is a form of short-form poetry which is quite popular on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, poetry that is associated with digital culture and has transformed to align with the ever-changing attention span of people that grows shorter by the day. In fact, insta-poetry has contributed to the sudden rise in poetry readership, especially given that it feels exceedingly relevant to young adults on the gram. The poetry is accessible and relatable, very brief and gets a lot of engagement. Although, this form of poetry has faced a…

  • woman in white long sleeve shirt and blue denim jeans sitting on black wooden chair
    Book Quotes,  Books

    Book Quotes | The Practice of Groundedness by Brad Stulberg

    Welcome to Readably Yours – where we talk about all things books, coffee and life-musings! Today, I am excited to share some insightful book quotes from my latest read “The Practice of Groundedness” that are sure to resonate with readers seeking a more fulfilled and balanced life. In this book, written by Brad Stulberg and published by Penguin Random House the author guides us towards a path of self-awareness and resilience, and also signifies the importance of establishing meaningful connections with both ourselves and the things we care about. As a book blogger, I have highlighted and annotated these tiny lessons throughout my reading journey over the past month. Despite…

  • books on brown wooden table
    Book Blogging,  Books,  Lifestyle,  Reading Hacks and Merchandise

    How To Really Connect With Your Books :)

    Do you ever find yourself lost while rummaging through the pages of a book? Hello and welcome back to Readably Yours! Of late, this really simple question has been bothering me a lot. The reason being that I have witnessed many books throughout my reading journey where I desperately tried to delve deeper but only ended up losing more of my mind. Trust me when I say there’s no worse feeling for a reader (other than dog-eared bookmarks, of course). You know, when I first grab hold of a book, I hold a certain expectation from myself, I assume that I’m going to be so vested in it that I…

  • blurry photo of a woman
    Lifestyle,  Productivity and Organisation,  Reading Hacks and Merchandise,  Study Life

    Multitasking in the World of Books, Coffee, and Productivity

    Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in everything you love? You’re not alone! Between work, personal commitments, and that ever-growing to-do list, carving out time for a good book can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you that reading could actually boost your productivity, not hinder it? Sounds too good to be true? Buckle up, because we’re about to explore how to savor our love of reading while crushing your goals with really tiny activities to multi-task between work and reading. Come on, I get it. I come from a busy background myself, and juggling passions can often…