body of water during golden hour
Personal Notes and Opinions

A Thousand Splendid Suns: A Poetic Ode | Daily Poetry

Prompt: A poem that recounts the plot, or some portion of the plot, of a novel that you remember having liked but that you haven’t read in a long time.

When I was younger, I came across a book,

From start to end, it left me crying on the hook,

Tears welled up within, as upwards I looked,

A Thousand Splendid Suns, left me utterly shook.

Tossing and turning, through the nights it kept me awake,

Such raw emotions, your soul will start to quake,

The lives of two women, the suffering and the ache,

400 pages; that’s how long it takes –

To feel the story seeping, deep into your bones,

Making your heart heavier, punching through the holes,

And some may retaliate for there will always be,

Stories better than this piece of art,

And that’s fine because we don’t have to agree,

For we weren’t competing for the better “Add to cart,”

And better options does not make this any less of a treasure,

This writing has found a comfort place in my heart.

Now, I’ve got some exciting news to share with you! I’ve been working on something really special, and I can’t wait to spill the beans…

Get ready to dive into the world of poetry with my upcoming book, “Echoes of Existence”, hitting shelves in May 2024. It’s filled with heartfelt poems inspired by real-life experiences and emotions that we all can relate to (including poems on work-life balance, woohoo).

As we get closer to the big reveal, stay tuned for sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes stories, and updates about bringing this book to life. So, mark your calendars and spread the word!

Until next time,

Ri @ Readably Yours

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