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Book Lists,  Books

Books To Read If You Love Insta-Poetry ✨

Hey there and welcome back to Readably Yours! Today, we’re talking about Insta-poetry and my absolute obsession with it.

Insta-poetry is a form of short-form poetry which is quite popular on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, poetry that is associated with digital culture and has transformed to align with the ever-changing attention span of people that grows shorter by the day.

In fact, insta-poetry has contributed to the sudden rise in poetry readership, especially given that it feels exceedingly relevant to young adults on the gram. The poetry is accessible and relatable, very brief and gets a lot of engagement.

Although, this form of poetry has faced a lot of criticism for being overly simple and not being able to capture a lot of literary depth, it is also noteworthy that insta-poetry has led to many opportunities for new voices and perspectives to enter the literary world. Insta-poets talk about personal experiences, mental health, relationships, and social issues, and what I love about them is that they are fearless. Absolutely fearless.

I love that we, as poets, can now leverage Instagram as a platform for sharing and discussing poetry that would otherwise be chained to the pages of a book with restricted readership. And I’m sure that we completely understand that the literary landscape has to change from time to time, in order to make way for the newer generation of readers.

“Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur

Focuses on themes of love, loss, and healing.

“The Sun and Her Flowers” by Rupi Kaur

Focuses on growth and healing.

“Pillow Thoughts” by Courtney Peppernell

Focuses on love, heartache, and the quiet moments that shape our lives.

“Love Her Wild” by Atticus

Focuses on love and adventure.

“The Princess Saves Herself in This One” by Amanda Lovelace

Focuses on feminism, resilience and empowerment.

“The Witch Doesn’t Burn in This One” by Amanda Lovelace

Focuses on challenging the status quo and celebrates the strength of women.

“Born to Love, Cursed to Feel” by Samantha King Holmes

Focuses on love, pain, and self-discovery.

By diving into the world of poetry, we make a choice to explore a multitude of voices, cultures, and experiences. These literary works, though short-served, throw light on the lives and struggles of so many communities, especially women. It talks about strength and resilience, something we all need as daily reminders to survive in today’s world.

I do believe that poetry holds the ability to empower and enlighten all of us in a light-hearted manner, amplifying introverted voices that lived in silence for the longest time. And for the same reason, I emphasize that you to explore the books recommended in this list. Who knows if some good verses of poetry might stir up some mindset changes for you and inspire you to make a difference.

Until next time,


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