• two women wearing traditional dress carrying basins
    Culture,  Personal Notes and Opinions

    A Sense of Belonging | Daily Poem

    When do I feel the most rooted in my culture? When I wear my heart on my sleeve, and jhumkas in my ear. Dangling across my cheek, with silver bells that feel like droplets. Holding my head up high, to let my bindis shine through. Crimson bindi on my crown, unapologetically feminine in my soul. As I press a silver nose ring, an expression of a blooming flower, Feeling each whiff of breath that passes through, going forth. Gently letting my fingers trace the lines of the gulbandh on my neck, Crafted by local artisans, radiating rustic charm. When I drape into my mother’s ikkat saree, an embodiment of my…

  • person holding orange pen
    Culture,  Study Life

    Verse by Verse: How to Write Daily Inspirational Poetry

    Writing a poem daily holds remarkable potential. In a world that often drowns in noise and distraction, the act of writing a poem each day becomes an escape for our hearts and minds. It helps us nurtures our creativity, illuminates our deepest emotions, and connects us to the beauty of the human experience. Writing a poem every day is not just a mere exercise of self-expression; it also becomes an act of self-care and compassion. But why is this daily practice of poetry so significant? It is because through each poem, we stretch the boundaries of our imagination, and dare ourselves to challenge our perceptions. Writing a poem every day…

  • person holding smartphone taking picture of bridge during daytime
    Book Lists,  Books

    Books To Read If You Love Insta-Poetry ✨

    Hey there and welcome back to Readably Yours! Today, we’re talking about Insta-poetry and my absolute obsession with it. Insta-poetry is a form of short-form poetry which is quite popular on social media platforms like Instagram or Twitter, poetry that is associated with digital culture and has transformed to align with the ever-changing attention span of people that grows shorter by the day. In fact, insta-poetry has contributed to the sudden rise in poetry readership, especially given that it feels exceedingly relevant to young adults on the gram. The poetry is accessible and relatable, very brief and gets a lot of engagement. Although, this form of poetry has faced a…

  • leaves hang on rope
    Culture,  Personal Notes and Opinions

    Stillness in a Restless World

    How difficult could it be to embrace 07 minutes of stillness on a Sunday morning? Fearfully difficult. 07 minutes of thoughts cascading into my head, beating against my skull. 07 minutes of my eyes fluttering in vain, anxiously waiting to be unsealed. 07 minutes of listening to the sounds of nature woven into humanly sounds. 07 minutes of unfocused breathing, guided in conformity with the screeches of my ceiling fan. Maybe, just maybe, I should stick to exploring the world with my eyes open and brain clamoring. Maybe, it’s easier to live that way, unsheltered and oblivious. Read my previous Daily Poems here: And get ready to dive into the…

  • blue and red galaxy artwork
    Personal Notes and Opinions

    Rethinking Challenges :)

    In life, some are quick to dismiss our challenges as excuses, claiming that only we hold ourselves back. But it's vital to acknowledge our limitations and challenges as real. Overcoming them requires resilience, leading not only to survival, but also to flourishing. It's time to recognize the strength in enduring difficult times.

  • macro photography of water waves
    Personal Notes and Opinions

    Little Things | Daily Poetry

    There’s something so conflictingly amusing About the small things in life – The things that are so simple and yet modestly extraordinary. A warm cup of coffee during the cozy winters, A smile from a random stranger you met on the train, Drops of dew dancing on the leaves, Fresh rain and the heavenly smell of petrichor, Gentle waves of wind carrying echoes of hushed secrets, Adults laughing somewhere in the midst of a tiring day, Feeling at peace among a cacophony of noise and chaos, The hug of a friend releasing so many troubling thoughts in your head. But do we ever take a pause to cherish these little…

  • four person standing on cliff in front of sun
    Personal Notes and Opinions

    Choosing Your Tribe: The Kind of Friends You Need!

    So last night, @alwaysaugst_medic and me had an in-dept discussion about how we are definitely the average of the people that we usually surround ourselves with. We develop the habits and characteristics that our friends empower within themselves. And so, it’s really important for you to find a community of people who are supportive and wish the best for you. People who want to see you grow. Friends and family who are non-judgmental about the choices you make and the things that you decide to prioritize at certain stages in your life. All in all, if you’re somebody who’s still building their tribe, you would do so much better in…

  • boy running during sunset
    Personal Notes and Opinions

    Innocence Unleashed | Daily Poetry

    Prompt: (Skyler’s Prompts) What’s an identity you’ve had since childhood? Innocence Unleashed. What was I like as a child – Some days docile, some days wild. Always screaming for what I felt was right, Tiny girl in pigtails, always shining bright. Could write through the noon, and read through the night, Some days she’d growl – but don’t worry, she didn’t bite. Would cry for tubs of ice cream, freezing and cold, Always lacked patience, couldn’t wait to grow old. A two-foot long kid, thinking she could scare, Everyone around her, with the fierceness of her stare. Dancing through the halls, she’d sing a little song, And push through academics, with…

  • person holding white daisy flower
    Personal Notes and Opinions

    Breaking The Chains of Sacrifice | Daily Poetry

    In the past, simply missing one day of a challenge would often demotivate me to the point of giving up. However, this year of 2024, I’ve chosen to embrace imperfection. Which means, I will constantly remind myself (through actions) that a single missed event won’t determine my overall success. So, I’m pushing forward in the NaPoWriMo challenge, knowing that I have the opportunity to make up for Day 6 at a later point in time. Just a tiny note to self 🙂 Prompt:  Write a poem about personal sacrifices and the complex emotions that come with making them. In this tiny world, where ideas constantly evolve and bloom, We puny little…