• traditional jewish bread
    Lifestyle,  Personal Notes and Opinions,  Worklife and Wellbeing

    Embracing the Power of Core Values: Discovering Authentic Selves

    In this world of constant hustle and bustle, we often find ourselves stuck between multiple directions. We can either choose to live in alignment with our core values and offer our authentic selves to the world. Or we can choose to portray to the world somebody that we are not and be okay with the haunting feeling of being an imposter. It can be so difficult to connect with your authentic self when a thousand voices echo in your mind all day; different versions of the right choices clouding your judgement because you haven’t spent enough time figuring out your own voice. Of late, I’ve been putting all my heart…

  • woman in pink crop top and jogging pants practicing yoga
    Lifestyle,  Productivity and Organisation,  Worklife and Wellbeing

    Energize Your Work Life: Break Free from Energy-Draining Habits

    Hello and welcome back to Readably Yours! I usually don’t like to start my post with a negative question, but let’s make an exception today. Do you often find it challenging to stay energized and focused throughout the day? You’re certainly not the only one. Many of us grapple with work habits that sap our energy, leaving us feeling drained and lacking motivation. Today, I’m here to share some tough-advice on how to identify and break free from these energy-draining habits. Let’s explore how small (but obvious) changes in our work habits can lead to a huge transformation in our energy levels and productivity. The undeniable truth remains: each of…

  • books on brown wooden table
    Book Blogging,  Books,  Lifestyle,  Reading Hacks and Merchandise

    How To Really Connect With Your Books :)

    Do you ever find yourself lost while rummaging through the pages of a book? Hello and welcome back to Readably Yours! Of late, this really simple question has been bothering me a lot. The reason being that I have witnessed many books throughout my reading journey where I desperately tried to delve deeper but only ended up losing more of my mind. Trust me when I say there’s no worse feeling for a reader (other than dog-eared bookmarks, of course). You know, when I first grab hold of a book, I hold a certain expectation from myself, I assume that I’m going to be so vested in it that I…

  • blurry photo of a woman
    Lifestyle,  Productivity and Organisation,  Reading Hacks and Merchandise,  Study Life

    Multitasking in the World of Books, Coffee, and Productivity

    Do you ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day to fit in everything you love? You’re not alone! Between work, personal commitments, and that ever-growing to-do list, carving out time for a good book can feel like a luxury. But what if I told you that reading could actually boost your productivity, not hinder it? Sounds too good to be true? Buckle up, because we’re about to explore how to savor our love of reading while crushing your goals with really tiny activities to multi-task between work and reading. Come on, I get it. I come from a busy background myself, and juggling passions can often…

  • unrecognizable woman having dispute with crop person
    Book Quotes,  Books

    Book Quotes | Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

    Welcome to the book-verse! Today, I’m diving into the book of “Anxious People” authored by the Fredrik Backman. As a book enthusiast with a penchant for blending insights with everyday lives, I can’t wait to share the lessons that I’ve unearthed through this book. In Fredrik Backman’s “Anxious People,” readers are pulled into a world where the complexities of human nature take center stage. With his signature blend of heartwarming storytelling and piercing wit, he crafts a story that weaves together diverse characters that are as unpredictable as life itself. What initially seems like a straightforward bank robbery and hostage situation, turns into the gradual exploring of the intricacies of fear,…

  • Book Quotes,  Books

    Book Quotes | How To Calm Your Mind by Chris Bailey

    Welcome to the book-verse! Today, I’m diving into the book of “How To Calm Your Mind” authored by the Chris Bailey. As a book enthusiast with a penchant for blending insights with everyday lives, I can’t wait to share the lessons that I’ve unearthed through this book. As Chris Bailey shares his personal journey from stress and burnout to a mindful understanding of productivity, he challenges the conventional narrative that busyness per se is the only path to success. This captivating book delves into the intricate relationship between productivity and calm, shedding light on the ways in which our digital and analog worlds shape our mental landscapes. The book takes…

  • white ceramic mug on white table
    Culture,  Lifestyle,  Personal Notes and Opinions,  Productivity and Organisation

    07 Tiny Ways To Experience A Better, Productive Year

    Hey there! I have to say that I feel really ready to kick-start this year with a bang. And I would love for you to get a headstart too – so I’ve got some tiny yet incredibly impactful ways to help you supercharge your life in 2024. Buckle up, the coming year is going to be an amazing journey of growth and I’m so sure that we’re going to achieve it all. But I also know that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. Because every year, we end up setting these huge New Year’s resolutions, most of which turn out to be unrealistic and unfulfilled by the end of the year.…

  • person using macbook pro
    Book Lists,  Books

    Part 3 – Reading List Inspired by Robert Vlach’s ‘The Freelance Way’

    Part 3 in the series (Out of 3) Hey there! If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve ventured into the exciting world of freelancing or are considering taking the leap. A few months back, I dived into reading about freelancing and there was too much content out there to help all the freelancers get better at their business. ‘The Freelance Way’ by Robert Vlach is such an insightful read into the subject and based on the book, we’ve come up with a comprehensive reading list that will help you expedite your freelance journey to the next level. All of the books we’re about to dive into are mentioned in…

  • apple black coffee business coffee
    Book Lists,  Books

    Part 2 – Reading List Inspired by Robert Vlach’s ‘The Freelance Way’

    Part 2 in the series (Out of 3) Hey there! If you’re reading this, chances are that you’ve ventured into the exciting world of freelancing or are considering taking the leap. A few months back, I dived into reading about freelancing and there was too much content out there to help all the freelancers get better at their business. ‘The Freelance Way’ by Robert Vlach is such an insightful read into the subject and based on the book, we’ve come up with a comprehensive reading list that will help you expedite your freelance journey to the next level. All of the books we’re about to dive into are mentioned in…